But he likes it!

So today there was an interesting event I was sitting at my desk and going through my mail when the artist thing came across the feed. It was someone remarking on the above picture and asking whether or not it was available for sale.

I did a little research and found the man who sent the mail and it was true he did want to buy this picture. And I asked him why this picture out of all of the ones he must have seen that are online and have my email address etc.

And he said, “I like the bunnies.”

So I did him a favour I sent it to him, a full sized edit with a wee note on the image. It is ready for the printer including instructions, and I charged him nothing. In my return answer l told him the real story of Alex the Psychedelic Bunny and said, quote , “Bunnies I like too.”

Hope you like it,too. Happy Holidays, Mr. Bunnyman, to you and yours.

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